When to focus on specific e-sports games?


E-sports has grown into a massive industry, with millions of players and fans worldwide. As the field expands, many wonder when they should start focusing on specific games. Before diving into a specific game, it’s essential to think about what you want to achieve. Do you want to create content around e-sports? Or are you simply interested in improving your skills for fun? Specialising earlier can be beneficial for those aiming to go pro. Professional players often start focusing on one game in their mid-to-late teens. Content creators may focus on popular games to attract more viewers. However, some find success by becoming experts in niche titles. The timing here depends on the creator’s strategy and target audience. Casual players can enjoy a variety of games without needing to specialize. They might focus on a game simply because they want it more than others.

Assessing your skills

Another critical factor is your current skill level. If you’re new to e-sports, trying several games is often better before focusing on one.

  • Consistently performing well in a particular game
  • Enjoying one game much more than others
  • Feeling like you’ve reached a skill plateau in other games

Remember, there is always time to switch focus if you find a game that suits you better. Many players enjoy various games on platforms like 12Bingo before deciding to specialize in a specific e-sport.

Understanding game lifecycles

Like all games, e-sports games have lifecycles. Some remain popular for many years, while others fade quickly. Games with large, stable player bases and well-established professional scenes can be good choices for long-term focus.

  • Multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) games
  • First-person shooters (FPS)
  • Fighting games
  • Sports simulations

However, newer games can also present opportunities. Getting in early on a rising e-sport can help you establish yourself as the game grows. Just be aware that there’s more risk involved, as the game might take off differently than expected.

Time commitment

Focusing on a specific game usually requires a significant time commitment. You must practice regularly, stay updated on game changes, and participate in tournaments or leagues. Think about how much time you can devote to a game. If you have limited free time, it might be better to enjoy various games casually rather than focusing intensely on one. For those with more time to spare, specializing can lead to rapid skill improvement and potentially open doors to competitive play or content creation opportunities.

Community factors

The community around a game can significantly impact your experience.

  • Community size – Larger communities often mean more learning resources and opportunities for competition.
  • Community culture – Some game communities are known for being more welcoming or toxic than others.
  • Local scene – A robust community can provide in-person events and networking opportunities.

Balancing focus and variety

While focusing on a specific game can lead to skill improvement, there’s also value in maintaining some variety.

  • Prevent burnout
  • Improve overall gaming skills
  • Provide fresh perspectives

There needs to be more than a one-size-fits-all answer to when you should focus on specific e-sports games. The right time depends on your goals, skills, available time, and personal preferences. If you need more clarification, there’s no harm in continuing to play a variety of games. Pay attention to which ones you enjoy most and perform best in. Finding a game, you’re passionate about and seeing the growth potential might be the right time to start focusing more seriously.